If you would like to begin your own beets ancient, or if your Bay Area home lacks space for a vegetable garden, you can grow them indoors. Beginning beets in apartments protects them from physical damage and enables you to restrain their environment. In the microclimate of San Francisco, these vegetables could be grown. Whether you transplant your seedlings to an outdoor or indoor location, giving them a good start is vital to your success.
Soak the beet seeds in water overnight to soften their cubes and speed up the germinating process.
Pick. Without using much potting soil, this allows space to develop.
Fill the seed-raising or flat to the top with potting soil mix. Press down on the ground.
Moisten the soil with water. Keep away from over-watering — aim for moistness, not sogginess.
Sow the beet seeds. Sprinkle the seeds over the ground surface, approximately 1 inch apart. Cover them with a layer of soil that is moist. Lightly press the ground to firm the surface.
Position the tray in a hot area of the home. Aim for a temperature between 75 and 90 degrees F. Place moist papers across the tray to encourage moisture retention. Eliminate as soon as the seedlings start appearing.
Water the soil as needed to keep it moist.