From Tiffany blue and Hermès orange to Chanel’s black and white, a long history of storied brands with touch colors exists. A touch color can create a new memorable, but marketing aside, there are plenty of compelling reasons to home in on your personal colour.
Here we will explore exactly what defines a signature shade, how to find yours and everything to do with it after you’ve got it.
Caitlin Wilson Design
What Is a Signature Color?
Personal. A touch shade at its heart is a color that is associated with you. Friends are reminded of you if they see “your” colour, and a home feels authentically you when it is dressed in. It happens unintentionally, but you might intentionally cultivate a touch color.
Alexander Johnson Photography
Consistent. Tiffany blue isn’t just any blue. It is instantly recognizable because it is always precisely the exact same blue-green shade. If you currently have a favorite colour, have a moment to think about exactly how to explain the colour you love — it is not only “pink” but “magenta” or “bubblegum.” Not only “blue” but the colour of the skies in a Maxfield Parrish painting.
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Repeated (with care). There is something reassuring about knowing what your signature colour is. You are able to replicate the colour in your home or wardrobe, which means that some decorating choices become easier. One thing to keep in mind: You do not wish to allow your signature color become bogged down during overuse. Keep it particular; a bit here and there (or a big statement) should suffice.
CapeRace Cultural Adventures
How to Find a Signature Color
Look back. Your signature shade may be something that resonates profoundly with youpersonally, therefore it is sensible to return back to your formative years. Which crayon did you hunt via the box to find? Which colors did you paint with at school? Have you got any positive memories associated with a specific colour?
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Matthew Cunningham Landscape Design LLC
Look around. If you need further inspiration, maintain a little color notebook or ( even better) take snapshots of whatever catches your eye. You never know where you could spy a shade that calls your name: flowers in the backyard, a picture poster, a store display or your wardrobe.
How to Utilize Your Color
Collect inspiration. Have some interesting figuring out how to use it in your life. Start with creating a ideabook devoted to your colour and filling it with inspirational images. Or if you would like something more hands-on, utilize tear sheets from magazines to make an inspiration board.
Find your signature paint colour. Take an object in your signature shade to a hardware shop that does colour matching and find the paint color that matches your colour. Paint a whole wall if you feel motivated to, but pick up a sample pot to take home and devote to painting something small — a flea market chair or set of image frames. And do not forget to write the name of the paint colour for future reference!
Jennifer Ott Design
Seek out inspiring color mixes. Improve your colour by surrounding it with other colors that match it. The colour guides are a great resource.
Abbe Fenimore Studio Ten 25
Think up ways to utilize your colour. Have personalized items made, stock up on gift wrap, begin a collection of pottery, curate an art wall or routinely stock your home with flowers in your signature shade.
Inform us Can you have a signature shade? How do you use it all around your residence?