Maples (Acer spp.) , ornamentals or prized as shade trees because of their attractive foliage and shape, are occasionally bothered by any of a number of ailments. The visual appeal of orange stains or similar discoloration on pine branches will be likely cause of alarm, since it could indicate infection by a possibly fatal disease.
About Cankers
Numerous species of fungi can cause cankers regions of cells, on pine branches. Getting discolored and surrounded with a thick form of tissue and exuding resin, or it can remain hidden under bark. The leaves on portions of the walnut will become brown or yellow and wilt. The fruiting bodies of the fungi may appear on or near the canker or on the branch surface as tiny colorful bumps.
Canker Prevention and Remedy
Canker fungi rather prefer trees and do not generally attack maple trees that are healthy. Choosing a maple supplying care to it and avoiding mechanical harm to the trunk or branches, in addition to disinfecting pruning tools between cuts or uses can help prevent canker problems. Prune out dead or infected branches as soon as you notice them, making cuts into healthy wood nicely below visible cankers, to prevent the spread of this disease. It is possible to do nothing but possibly extend the standing life of this maple with cultural care once the trunk of the maple is infected. Where cankers have bothered cultivars or other trees in the past, plant only disease-resistant pine species or maples.
About Wetwood
Wetwood, commonly known as bacterial wetwood or slime flux, results when bacteria enters the maple by means of a wound and multiplies, occasionally for several decades, until pressure builds and the germs is forced from the tree via a weak place, often near a wound or crotch. This germs emerges in the shape of a slimy ooze which has a stench. The ooze can destroy plants it warms on and leaves a yellow to brown stain where it dries.
Wetwood Prevention and Remedy
Infection by germs that were wetwood is prevented by avoiding injury to wood and the bark. It can be possible by opening the wound to avoid air and liquid accumulation to take care of a infection. Drill a hole several inches deep until liquid begins to ooze out, then add a length of aluminum tubing. Once there is a maple tree extensively infected, it’s best treated by providing superior attention to the tree, such as decent watering during periods of drought. An healthy although infected tree can survive for decades.