Under your mattress is an often-overlooked place for added space for storage. While slipping containers under your Fourposter is enough for many people, a little more space is needed by the others. Building your mattress off the floor is the greatest of both worlds. It raises your storage area without significantly altering construction or the form of your bedframe.It is also an answer that is impermanent, in the event that you if you choose to to purge your life of several items, meaning, it is possible to always spot again your mattress on the floor. Enlist the aid of a buddy before you begin — mattress frames may be heavy.
Determine how high off the floor you want your mattress. A cinderblock is 6″ high, when laid flat. Divide the peak you want to decide exactly how many cinder blocks you require under each leg. For security reasons, you do not want to develop greater than two or three blocks.
One corner of your bedframe that is regular up greater in relation to the cinder blocks is going to be stacked. Have the cinder blocks are stacked by your buddy evenly underneath the leg, using the extended side.
So your leg rests in the middle of the cinderblock, lower the mattress.
Repeat to stack cinder blocks underneath another three bed-frame legs.