The stunning desert rose plant Phoenix falls beneath the genus of Adenium. Adenium obesum is also called desert rose star. The desert rose started in especially warm climates like Africa and Saudi Arabia, which means this shrub-kind succulent is suited to outside where humidity and temperature are conducive to development, including in 23 to 24 and Sunset Climate Zones H-2.It may also be grown as a houseplant if stored in a dry and warm place with lots of sunlight. The most frequent technique of propagation contains utilizing a cutting. Air-layering, a commonly used method, may also be used also be employed.


Mix one part peat moss with three elements perlite. Fill a container that is potting over half-way using the mixture.

Cut a 5 inch piece from a leafless suggestion utilizing sterile hand pruners.

Dip the piece right into a a a mix.

Place the cutting in the middle of the mix so the finish that is dipped is just beneath the the top of planting Flagstaff medium.

Provide a gentle mist of water everyday until roots form.

Air Layering

Fill a bucket with water and spot some sphagnum moss in the water.

Select a 1-foot area of of new development that’s somewhat greater, or pencil width, in diameter.

Remove leaves, other branches and stems in the stem that is selected 3″ below and 3″ above where your cut will be made by you.

Make 1 1/2 inches apart,, two cuts a grafting . that is blade Join the two cuts with one cut that is linear.

Peel the bark. Be careful to remove the top layer.

Paint some rooting hormone on the wound that is open to aid the root create.

Squeeze water from a handful of moist sphagnum. Wrap the wound using the sphagnum. Use string to keep the moss.

Wrap a bit of plastic wrap cautiously across the moss. Secure the plastic a T either finish with twist-ties.

When roots type remove the plastic wrap. Cut plant Flagstaff and the piece.

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