Mice are smart creatures that multiply rapidly, making them hard to get rid of when they invade your property and breed. After trapping or using rodenticides to take care of an infestation of these pests, there are signs you can search for to determine whether they living in your house.
A Mouse in the House?
Use your senses to determine whether mice are currently living in your property. You’ll probably hear any remaining mice scurrying and squeaking inside the walls of your home or within your ceiling, especially during the night. Look for gnaw marks or fresh mouse droppings across the bottom of your walls. Check your attic, basement, garage or closets for mouse nests made of paper, cloth or other soft substances. Use an ultraviolet light the mice remain in your property, if the urine is pungent and damp.
Final Notice Before Eviction
Pour talcum powder or flour across the base of your walls. Leave the powder for a few days and should you find any mouse tracks, you will know the little pests are still in your house. Assess your house during the night and day to find out whether you place any mice. Place traps around your house to catch any mice that are remaining. Speak to a professional exterminator, if you find any mice in your house. When there are no more signs of mice, use a solution of one part bleach to eight parts water to sanitize your property.