If you have left your fabric patio furniture in a humid or damp environment for an extended period of time, it might develop mildew that leaves little spots on the cloth. If mildewed fabric is left untreated and kept in a moist environment, mold can also develop, resulting in mildew-spotted furniture that also smells musty. Cleaning the fabric and maintaining it in a well-ventilated, nonhumid area removes the mould and lessens the odds of new mildew development.

Basic Borax Cleaner

A borax solution removes mildew from influenced fabrics and works best when the fabric is allowed to dry outdoors on a sunny, nonhumid day. Brushing the mildew spots off with a broom or nylon brush outdoors removes a number of this deposits. Mix 1/4 cup borax per cup of warm water, and then rub it over the mildew spots with a wax or wax, allowing the liquid to soak into the cloth for several hours. Rinse with clean water.

Lemon Spot Lifter

Lemon juice and salt combine to make a somewhat synthetic paste that cleans mildew off of fabric. Squirt a tablespoon or two of lemon juice to a small bowl together with a teaspoon of table salt. Dip a rag to the mixture and then rub it over the mildew spots. For best results, brush the mildew spots with a dry nylon-bristled brush to remove loose debris. Allow the lemon juice solution to sit on the cloth for an hour or two in sunlight on a nonhumid day.

Vinegar Spritz

White vinegar both removes mildew and freshens outdoor fabrics that have developed a musty odor. Spray undiluted white vinegar over the mildewed area, and allow it to sit on the cloth for an hour or so — ideally outside on a sunny, nonhumid day. Wipe away the deposits with a damp sponge. If the spots are particularly tough to eliminate, spray vinegar over them and then rub them with a nylon brush. Wipe down with a damp sponge afterward to eliminate any remaining mildew deposits.

Banish With Bleach

A light bleach solution removes stubborn mildew from outdoor furniture fabrics. Mix 1 tablespoon of bleach into a mix of warm water in a bucket. Dip a sponge into the solution and then soak the mildewed places, leaving the furniture to sit in sunlight on a nonhumid afternoon for 15 minutes. Wipe down with a brand new sponge dampened in water. Consult the care label on the cloth to ensure it’s colorfast and that bleach may be used on it. Test an inconspicuous area with the bleach solution first if you’re unsure.

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