An attractive patio, big enough for entertaining, takes a weekend if you’re using tiled bricks to install. These cubes of concrete, also called patio pavers, make it easy to create flat areas for barbecues and patio furniture. The one problem is that pavers come in variations of gray and beige. If you’re looking for a dramatic alternative to fundamental colours that are neutral, turn to change the appearance. From marble green to obsidian black, you can use a couple or one colour to make an elaborate pattern.

Getting Started

A kind of stain, concrete paint, sinks to the surface of the brickand mortar. Much like dyeing fabric or staining wood, the surface of the cement needs to be clean before you try to paint it. Concrete surfaces wash, however, one of the safest and most frequent is trisodium phosphate, often called simply TSP. This cleaner can remove grease and surface dirt , leaving a clean surface ready to paint. It’s simplest to paint the bricks if you lay them out on the lawn or even a tarp. Mix the cleaning solution with water in a plastic watering can, then sprinkle all the bricks. A fantastic scrub with a wash with the hose, a stiff broom, and your bricks are all set to paint the moment they are dry.

Thoroughly Dry

Moisture might be inside the pavers, although you might have left the bricks to dry for a few days. Staining or painting concrete while it’s moist doesn’t good because the stain won’t adhere. Choose a sample brick and wrap it into clear plastic. Leave it out for 24 hours. Water drops on the inside of the vinyl or a brick surface are equally signs the brick is still currently holding moisture. Leave it to dry for a couple more days, then test again. If the brick and plastic are dry, then you’re ready to blot.

Implementing Color

Producers have taken on concrete paver bricks. As long as you’re not staining an area the size of your yard, you’ll get by just fine by employing ready-mixed colours in common spray cans. Assess for outdoor temperature limits for results in the can. The same as spray you’ll get the best coverage by applying a coat that is hazy and thin to the brick. You can add another coat afterwards, if the colour is too light. The coverage you need is dependent upon the appearance you want. Most stones aren’t versions in blotches and spots, although one uniform shade. Spraying at more and less paint will provide you the appearance of different stones for a finish.


Concrete landscaping brick stain binds together with all the concrete and becomes a part of the material, but dirt and other materials can alter the colour with time. Protect the surface of the bricks when the color has dried by applying a sealer. Sealers come in either glossy or matte finishes, and are sprayed on as readily as the paint. Until it fully soaks into the surface of the concrete it should be implemented. Wipe off excess sealer with a rag. Add it within two hours of the first program, if a different coat seems necessary, or the layer might not stick.

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